Best Improve Guitar Picking Techniques

Working on improve guitar picking technique – not just for the hell fire speed wannabe’s. As your speed increases, it can actually help you develop your own style of playing. You can develop control and flexibility in your hands when you first try this move.

It is not so hard to play with your fingers on these smooth strings. It’s important to keep improving your skills and work on them consistently. A) Increasing your picking speed comes with obstacles including giving up on the ones that don’t work and B) lots of patience and hard work.

It’s all about practicing and equally important “the right way of guitar picking technique”. Hours of hard work are not always necessary for picking speed improvements, but it does help. Of course practice is the best teacher, so embrace the challenge and get to work!

These easy tips will help anyone who is just starting out. Focus on them to stay motivated and ahead of the curve.

In this lead guitar lesson, we’re going to talk about  improve guitar picking technique. My picks have been improving over the years, and that includes feedback on what works for me. I’m going to show you some of the things I’ve tried to make me a better player.

Tips to Better Guitar Picking Techniques

There are a lot of tough things about guitar, but don’t give up! When it comes to exercising, practise is the only way you’ll improve and become better. This will all be worthwhile in the end.

1. Experiment

There are many different types of picking styles, and everyone has their own. Try different angles and styles of the keyboard to see what fits you. There are 3 main things to consider when picking a golf club: grip, stance, and swing. Here I will discuss each component in detail.

Pick Grip: Try holding your pick between your index finger and thumb or with two fingers and your thumb. Try pointing your fingers at the guitar, or A slight angle. There are many different technologies on the market and it can be hard to figure out which one is right for your business. Take a look at what works best and is most comfortable for you.

Picking Angle: You can angle your pick by changing the angle of the pick. Pick up a pick and hold it off the ground, with the edge facing towards your thumb in a “g” shape. People like Paul Gilbert and John Petrucci use a downward-angled pick, so try that too. Choose whichever method works best for you.

Movement Method: Your general method for moving the pick is another subjective area. Some people might have to find a good combination of movement and arm position or even music since these are the most natural ways that people typically use to find what feels best for them.

Pro Tip: Some players will use their picking hand to move freely while picking. Try to identify an on-the-body or bridge as a point where you can improve your picking accuracy.

2. Start With Single Strings

One of the hardest parts of watching a scale or a lick is changing strings. Start off by thinking about the type of person you want to be. Pick a day every week and spend a little time on just one string. Remember that you need to practice as each string feels a little bit different.

Pro Tip: This exercise can be broken down into a downstroke movement, an upstroke movement and a alternating upstrokes.

3. Play Slow & Fast

When you play slowly, you’re practicing the technique which is important when trying to improve. You’ll want to push yourself to try games like “Boom Boom” or “Sonic Boom” to improve your game and earn more over time. Try going slow at first and then picking up the speed. Focus on accurate picking in this order.

Pro Tip: It can help improve how you feel about your progress, and it’s particularly important for beginners. For example, a common beginner mistake is to play double time with the stroke of a quarter note.

4. Work On Changing Strings

One of the best ways to memorize chords is to start with familiar ones, like A and G. Then play them both with the same technique downstrokes or upstrokes. Repeat this statement as fast as you can, alternating between upstrokes and downstrokes.

Once you’ve got that down, try applying your newly acquired scale lick(s) to a small part of a scale. Pick two strings and work on playing through them smoothly and consistently.

Pick Slanting: This can serve you in a variety of ways, such as finding what gauge you should use depending on the type of string being played. Keep in mind, to fit the guitar strings on your guitar pick, make sure that it’s slanted upwards when traveling up strings and downwards when traveling across them. String to string plays a rolling motion instead of hopping.

Economy Picking: Alternate picking involves moving your pick up and down. ∏ = stroke down across the string V= stroke up across the string. Alternate picking moves in a ∏V∏V (down, up, down, up) motion. “This motion might seem weird,” says Andy, “but trust me it’s easy once you just get the hang of it.”

So now let’s look at some exercises to work on this motion with your left hand. One of the challenges you might face is accidentally striking down twice, instead of down, then up. Or, you might miss a downward strike and inst.

You might want to make sure your guitar pick is in good shape before you start using alternate picking in songs or some problems might occur. Start out slowly, even if the exercise seems really basic. If you consistently get the motion correct, then you’ll ultimately be able to develop fast and accurate dance moves as time goes on.

Exercise 1: The A Minor Pentatonic Scale

A Minor Pentatonic is a scale commonly used in improvisation. It sounds really good as you progress through chords, so once you’re familiar with the scales notes structure you can explore and create your own melodies over simple chord progressions.

Start by playing the two octaves “up” on your low E string with the left hand, then shift to the high E string.Remember – string them together by starting on low E and ending on high E, then going back to low. Practicing one string at a time will help you feel more confident in the end, and you can practice that strategy with each new string until you’re confident.

If you’ve got a metronome, set it to about 60BPM* and aim to strike each note on time with each beat (click). If it seems too easy, try and get more of a challenge by picking two notes per beat like in the video clip you saw.

In this exercise, you’re aiming to use alternate picking to play the A minor pentatonic scale at a proficient level. Speed isn’t always required to be adept at it, and in fact, it’s probably more important that you enjoy playing this exercise as much as possible. Sometimes it can take a while to figure out the right way to say something, but don’t worry – this is normal!

Exercise 2: Triplets

This first exercise is more challenging. Try to get a feel for it before you attempt this one. You will see that this exercise starts from the top on the high E string. This is an A Minor Pentatonic scale that also gives it a descending sound.

You just need to move the stylus in a downward, upward fashion. Set your metronome to about 50BPM. This time you are playing three notes per beat. Your notes should have a waltz-like feel to them.

Note: Metronomes are not just for musicians. They are useful for anyone who wants to learn to play more accurately or get their pace higher. You can get a metronome for your guitar at your local, guitar store, download an app for your Iphone/Ipad or find one online.

For both exercises, start slowly at 50-60 BPM and continue at a comfortable pace until you feel good. Then, increase your tempo to 60-70BPM and try again. You’ll eventually get the hang of it. Push yourself by increasing the speed of your metronome by 10 BPM every time you feel comfortable. This will help you build your proficiency and increasing the speed will also increase your overall speed.

When the metronome is in a tempo that doesn’t feel manageable, you’ve probably reached your breaking point. If you push your limits every once in a while, you should be able to build up and surpass them. This will also allow you to maintain a healthy and positive workout routine over the long term. Playing consistently is always an important habit to develop. This is why having a specific routine in place has become so popular lately!

Make sure to learn alternate picking as much as you can. It is a fundamental element of guitar. Do the exercises daily to keep your skills at an expert level.

Those are the most popular picking techniques, and you’ll see a lot coming from them in magazines like Guitar World. Economy/Sweep picking is one of them, but it sounds different and is not typically used by many bands out there today.

So what is alternate picking? It’s a technique where you hold the pick between your thumb and index finger with the pointed end facing towards the strings. You play notes in a pattern of alternating down-up strokes. The first note you play is on the upstroke. Then, the next note you play is on an upstroke, and so on forth until you have played all six notes of your scale which is finished by finishing with a down stroke.

5. Avoid Tension

When you try to play faster, it’s probably harder for you to move your fingers quickly. So a great tip is to focus on loosening up while playing. Relax those muscles while building up your speed. Don’t be afraid to break a sweat! You should also avoid heavy lifting and contact sports, anything that puts stress on your arms, wrists or shoulders. These parts of your body all have an effect on guitar playing.

6. Analyze your Playing

Analyze your workouts so that you can make improvements. Study the workouts to see what you did right and what could be improved on next time. What’s bothering you? What could be the problem? Gather information and come up with exercises or solutions to make it work.

If you are having trouble with only certain fingers, then create an exercise just for them.

7. Video Yourself

Another great way to see what you’re doing and how you’re doing it is to video yourself as you train or once a week if you’re too busy. You may not have considered your hand position or posture, but take a closer look and you’ll see some surprising things.

It’s also a neat way to see how far you’ve come and how your writing has improved over time.

8. Practice to Music

A lot of guitar players practice over and over without applying the techniques they practice, resulting in limited progress. As soon as they’re put in a musical situation, these musicians are unable to do well.

You can also apply what you’ve created in a ton of different ways, including playing along to a jam track with friends, writing a new song or riff, or even just playing around on your own.


Fast speed is more of a gradual evolution rather than something that can be achieved immediately. It can take months or even years to become really fast. Of course, if you work on improving your speed, the results will come fast and within a few weeks or months you’ll be able to play at a level much faster than you ever have before. This is also beneficial because it’ll have a huge impact on your game!

It might seem like it’s never going to happen, but practicing daily for half an hour or even just 15 minutes will allow you to achieve virtuoso feats.

As with anything, practicing is crucial. Equipment, practice strategy and techniques get the most out of yourself and your time. But keep in mind that this process is difficult and realistic expectations are good ones!

FAQ for Best Improve Guitar Picking Techniques

What are the best ways to improve guitar picking techniques?

There are many ways to improve guitar picking techniques. Some of the best ways include:

1. Try playing your guitar with one hand while you play it with the other

2. Play with a metronome to help you keep a steady rhythm

3. Pick up a new instrument if you don’t have one (or if you’re an experienced player)

4. Use different pick types and thicknesses in your fingers

How do I improve my guitar playing?

There are so many different ways to improve your guitar playing and some of them are difficult to do.

One way to improve your guitar playing is by using a metronome. It will help you be consistent with your rhythm and timing, which will in turn improve your performance on the instrument.

Another way is by practicing scales, chords, and songs from different genres. This will help you learn new patterns and chords that you can use in other songs or songs by the same artist.

What are the most common mistakes guitarists make when playing?

The most common mistakes guitarists make when playing are

  • Playing with the same hand all the time
  • Not practicing enough
  • Not learning how to play a song in the first place

Are there any exercises that I can do to improve my guitar skills?

There are a lot of exercises you can do to improve your guitar skills. These include playing scales, learning new chords and songs, and practicing your technique.

The following are the most common exercises that guitar players go through to improve their skills:

  • Playing scales
  • Learning new chords
  • Practicing techniques
  • Taking lessons

What the best guitar lessons that you can find online or in books?

There are many online guitar lessons for beginners, but what about for intermediate and advanced players?

The best guitar lessons that you can find online or in books are those that focus on the player’s progress. They should also be tailored to the individual player’s needs.

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