Which Country Has the Best Elderly Care

With the increasing availability of medical care, our average life expectancy is rising. We see this in greater numbers of elderly people than ever before.

With the number of adults at retirement age expected to grow in all regions of the world, we need high-quality elderly care services. There will also be a rise in elderly births as people pursue advanced years. Read on to find out which countries have the best elderly care – and where the UK factors.

Countries With the Top Elderly Care

As the current issues of loneliness, deteriorating health, and caring for one’s parents sensitize society with respect to the idea of caregivers stepping in and helping, care homes must become more proactive. These are the countries that have taken care of their elderly with kindness, warmth and love:

The US

As you might have guessed, US care services get a good rating amongst customers. Due to an increased demand for such facilities and the quality provided, living in your care home should be considered ‘a bonus’ now. Elderly people in the US tend to have a very high opinion of their country, rating them highly for safety and social connectedness.


Norway’s service sector is steadily growing, with 100% pension coverage and a strong sense of community that’s been around for centuries. Working can be found within the older population without alarming increases in income or employment rates.

Great Britain

Great Britain usually has a significantly rank in the top 15 countries. However, they sometimes make it into the top 10!

Although we’re not yet up to the level of those Scandinavian countries, we’re nevertheless providing a good standard of care for our elderly people. For instance, satisfaction levels are high in terms of social connectedness and safety and freedom.

By learning what the most successful countries are doing right right now, we can make the care for elderly even better in the future.

Older people who want to retire in Japan are able to live comfortably because of their public support program and that of their government. They also enjoy a high quality of life and low cost of living. The Netherlands, on the other hand, has a number of beautiful towns – where the living is easy. Finally, Iceland has an excellent healthcare system that provides high quality care for all.


Sweden directly funds its elderly care, which is the second most important service in that country. Government grants are also used to cover some of the cost. People in elderly care homes are able to use subsidised costs which make them happier and more comfortable. They also reported high rates of satisfaction with safety, civic freedom, and public transport.


Canadian people have a long life expectancy. This country is doing an amazing job of providing for its elderly people. Canada has long been known for its high quality social supports and general healthcare. Top-notch pensions and overall well-being have made Canada one of the top five countries in good aging outcomes. In addition to this, Canada’s capital, Ottawa, is planning to invest a lot over the next decade to support its ageing population.


Elderly people in Switzerland often report feeling safe and supported in their own homes. They can also expect to live into their mid-80s, which is pretty amazing for a nation that has such a focus on health care like Switzerland does. Switzerland has a rate of civic satisfaction well above the regional average. Impressive!


Germany’s care system is coming up with new technology that is similar to what has been developed in other countries, making it one of the best countries in terms of social connectedness and civic freedom. The pension coverage doesn’t yet reach 100%, but this will continue to improve over time.

Different Care Systems

There are many different care systems around the world but some of them include, several examples of which are outlined below:

Cohabiting care systems

In countries like Germany, a cohabiting scheme means that elderly people can live together in a community apartment to give them more independence and the opportunity to socialize. Germany also has ‘multigeneration’ centers, where grandparents, children and families alike can meet for a spot of socializing. Or to learn about how you can use their care services.

Staggered care systems

The UK follows the staggered care system, which gradually gives seniors more support as they age. from starting out with home care like cooking and cleaning, to care from trained carers who either visit or live there with them, leading up to a residential care or nursing home for those in need.

Family care systems

Italy doesn’t have as many homes for elderly people as other countries. Generally, in Italy, taking care of old people is seen more as a family obligation than an individual one. This means that the majority of older-aged people will continue living with their family even as they get older. Personal services such as healthcare are covered by the state and overall poverty rates are low. Italian institutions will step in to help a child without immediate family members.

Private care systems

In the US, most healthcare is private. A commonly used example of this is Medicaid, which helps cover the costs of elderly people’s healthcare like nursing home care. The cost will vary based on where a person resides in the US.

Publicly funded care systems

In Belgium, most of the care is publicly funded. Taxes are lower in Belgium, thus providing more money on healthcare for elderly caregivers to ensure their loved ones can stay at home as long as possible. Elderly people in Belgium can get different forms of support from the government, including service flats so they can live independently. They also have access to more intensive home care and cooking meals if needed.

Health Care Index Score

So how is the world health care ranking looking? Here are the top 30 countries:

Country Health Care Index Score
Taiwan 86.89
South Korea 83.59
Japan 80.48
Austria 79.46
Denmark 79.22
Thailand 78.44
Spain 78.42
France 78.34
Belgium 78.3
Australia 76.82
Netherlands 75.63
Finland 75.27
United Kingdom 74.88
Czech Republic 74.47
Norway 74.36
New Zealand 73.71
Germany 73.58
Switzerland 73.23
Qatar 73.17
Sri Lanka 72.98
Israel 72.97
Portugal 71.64
Canada 71.27
Singapore 71.07
Ecuador 70.81
Turkey 69.9
Argentina 69.81
Sweden 69.41
Mexico 69.4
United States 69.23


You now know which factors go into good care for the elderly, such as pension coverage, healthcare and care services (including nursing homes), social support and government grants.

It could be said that the UK is doing better than some other countries when it comes to elderly care.

It’s true that there is some catching up to do, but care solutions are being developed and discussed all the time. It’ll be interesting to see how this impacts the UK’s care systems in the future.

FAQ for Best Elderly Care

Most people want to lead a happy, fulfilling life. You often wonder how you are going to be able to do that if you don’t give your life a proper focus. Brand-new homes usually come with an area specifically for outdoor activities for kids and exciting board games for the grownups, so you know the place you live will have a lot to offer.

What is the best place to live in old age?

It’s easy to see how our expectations of the health care system, economic security, and other aspects of our quality of life are changing as we age. A recent survey conducted in 2021 by Ceoworld Magazine shares how many people actually agree with all three of these.

Finland tops the chart followed by Denmark, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Australia, Austria, Canada, Norway and New Zealand. These countries are happy with high standards of living.

Which countries respect the elderly?

It’s not just about income or high standards of living. People should also respect each other in order to create a foundation for relationships. Respect is an important regulation to abide by when building relationships with others.

Some cultures and countries have this custom and follow it head over heels. The Chinese respect their parents and are committed to taking care of them when they age. The Indian family comes first, and the elders are at the top of the chain.

They share a loveable relationship with younger generations. In Japan, elders are celebrated. Even in Korea, the elders are given due respect. In Afro-American cultures, elders are looked up to and stay close to their families. In Rome, elders are respected without any hesitation.

Do americans take care of their elderly?

The native Americans have a strong respect for older people, they help them and love them. The lifestyle has changed over time so more people are not around their elders.

Americans are becoming more aware and focused on the importance of caring for elderly people. This is especially important because healthcare costs are rising and the availability of services is decreasing. There has also been a shift towards thinking of old age care centers as less urgent, which has led to more focus on caregiver services. Families are starting to use caregivers. They still like to visit their family and they’re paid, of course!

How does china treat it’s elderly?

Historically, the Chinese people have respected their elders and lived together with them. They think this way is best because they care for their parents and want to take proper care of them. As time has gone on people are changing. As the country has a one-child policy, there’s an increased population of seniors compared to their younger counterparts. China is improving their healthcare system at a vast scale which will ultimately benefit society in the long run.

The elderly population is growing and it is our responsibility to help them on the road to a happy, fulfilled life. There are still many ways to go, but every country should work together to make this world a better place for all. There are many benefits to spending time with our elders and learning about our culture & values. It is important for us to have that mutual respect, though, so let’s pledge to give them a secure, happy environment.

What are the worst countries in the world for older adults?

Knowledge of which countries are best to avoid for older adults is important. Iraq, Kenya, and Ukraine are some of the worst places to live in the world. These countries have almost no social net, which means that elderly residents need to rely heavily on their own resources in order to survive. Other countries close to home include Venezuela and Cambodia at the 4th and 5th worst spots.

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